Travelling through Laxey towards Ramsey over the trams lines past Greens Garage the Ballaragh Road can be found on the outskirts on your left hand side there is a sign indicating King Orry’s grave site. Continue along this road and the site can be found on the left hand side clearly indicated by our For Sale Board.
The building plots are situated in an idyllic elevated location with panoramic view over the coastline.
These is planning permission for two detached residential units and offers either an owner occupier / developer. The site extends to approximately 1.7 acres.
It is proposed that the existing still framed barn will be demolished and removed from the site. Both dwellings it is proposed will have 5 bedrooms with integral garaging and that the living accommodation will be on the first floor level to maximise the views over the coast and surrounding countryside.
Planning permission was granted on the 23rd February 2017 and lasts for four years for two detached residential.
Planning Ref: 16/01076/B This can be viewed on the Isle of Man Govt Planning Application web site.
Please see attached site plan.
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