Planning approval in principle for residential development on a zoned residential site of
approximately 4.92 acres on the south side of Springfield Terrace.
Fields 333135, 33500, 334998 & 334999, comprising a broadly triangular shaped parcel of
development land, bounded by a lane on the west side and by the main road on the north side,
(as outlined in red on plan attached).
Site dimensions;
Site frontage – Approx 577’ (176 m)
Max depth – Approx 587’ (179 m)
Average width – Approx 443’ (135 m)
N.B. The vendor retains the rights of access to the retained land.
The land is zoned for predominantly residential use in the Foxdale Plan and planning consent
14/00295/A was granted on 20 August 2014 for approval in principle for residential
development of the site with full details of the means of access into the site, (see attached
details). Affordable housing is to be provided at a ratio of 25% of the overall number of plots.