This is a small compact unit formerly occupied by Mr B’s takeaway bakery and understand that the present category is cooked food but any interested party should enquire at the appropriate Govt. Planning Department. The front shop area is approx. 19’5” x 12’10” ( 250.33 sq.ft.) comprising of main sales and display area with laminated flooring with ceiling tiles and lighting.
The rear area is approx. 112 7” x 10’0” 9116.78 sq.ft.) comprises of laminated flooring, sink unit and rear door to yard. There is a WC facility accessed from the rear door.
Please note that the catering equipment is not included and we understand can be discussed with the Owner privately as a separate matter.
Travelling from Bucks Road towards the town center turn right at the traffic lights at Sydney Mount and the property can be found a short distance on your left next to the Standard Bank. A TO LET Board clearly identifies.
Lease Terms
To be discussed with the Landlord
Services & Rates
Rates & Services Charges
Included in the annual rent as agreed.
We understand that all mains services are connected water and electricity.