All the garages are traditional build with pitched roof timber joist and concrete flooring with metal up and over doors. Each approx. area is 17’0 x 9’06” (154 sq. ft.) all the garages have been well maintained throughout are in excellent condition Garage 8 being the end unit by the grass verge on the right has the added benefit of a Solarventi dehumidifier system.
We understand that this installation has the capacity to also to serve Garage 7 should an interested party wish to purchase both and install at some stage.
Travelling from Douglas take the right turning into the Mount Murray Hotel / Estate back road and continue a short distance taking the first turning on the right into the estate and continue turning right again into Murrays Lake Drive where the garages can be found on the immediate right identified by our For Sale board.,-4.5614036,65m/data=!3m1!1e
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