This property has been used for a number of years as a car sales showroom but has versatile uses subject to the Landlords consent and if any planning change of use is required for a new
The property is single story modern style unit with open retail area with sliding access doors and side entrance the –main area approx. 36’01 x 30’03 approx. 1081 sq.ft. there is a small rear office with wc facility approx. 914’07” x 6’10” approx. 100.44 sq.ft.
Travelling into Onchan village continue towards the traffic light at the Manx Arms junction take the left turning up the hill and then the immediate right turn into Elm Tree Road and the property can be found on the left with the To Let sign.
Lease Terms
The Landlord would prefer a rental period of 5 years but would welcome discussion.
Viewing By Appointment through the Agents Deanwood Management Limited – Commercial Dept: Tel: 01624 611007 Opt 2
Services & Rates
Mains water, electricity and drainage are connected.
To be confirmed